Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Can tyranids be competitive? 2000

Well it appears I've been bit by the bug.  The tyranid bug that is *insert laughing*.  Well I've been keeping tabs on my buddy Hulksmash's blog and I've been fairly impressed by his results.  I think I'm coming to a simillar conclusion about tyranids, which is less MC's more speed! 

Tyranids have a couple neat tricks in their over priced, under optioned codex.  No other army has deployment manipulation as much as we do, which is really nice.  But that alone will not win you a game.  We need to be able to blow up tanks in mass.  Well our shooting is kind of I guess, but there isn't much of it, so what we need is fast rending EVERYWHERE.  Stuff that can hit you turn 2 and mess you up badly.

Well enough talk.  Here's what I got.

Swarmlord 280
Tyrant Guard- lash whip 65

10 Ymgarls 230
3 Hive Guard 150
3 Hive Guard 150

10 Gaunts 50
10 Gaunts 50
Tervigon- adrenal glands toxin sacs 195
Tervigon- adrenal glands toxin sacs 195
5 Genestealers 70
5 Genestealers 70

5 Raveners- rending claws 175
5 Raveners- rending claws 175
4 Raveners- rending claws 140

1995.  It's fast, it has target saturation, it can play the reserve game decently.  And if your opponent doens't have that much S8 then your raveners get even better!  Let me know what you think.


  1. I like it and will give it a try.

    One suggestion. Maybe its better to take fewer ymgarls, around 7 usually works, to include 1 or 2 extra raveners?

  2. Tyranids is playing with one hand tied behind your back. If you dont believe that you are fooling yourself.

