Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Grey knights... why?

Why am I messing around with grey knights you may ask?  It's because I've never jumped on the band wagon before.  Never have I played guard, wolves, blood angels, even dark eldar.  Hell I play tyranids and demons and have success with both.  Well at least one of them... lol.  Many people consider demons bad yet I've won many tournaments with them, and placed very higly at some national ones.  Well I think it's about time I get to jump the band wagon!  I mean after just messing with the book to make some lists, as that's the best way for me personally to learn the codex, I think I've fallen in love with underpriced units, multiple units in different slots to fill the roll I need filled, and most of all OPTIONS!

Take it from someone who has effectively been playing with a handicap at all these GT's by not running the latest hot list, that getting options like is a god send.

Also I do have to decide on an army to bring to the nova invitational sooner or later, and as cool as it would be to win with a sub par army, I'd rather give myself the best shot I have.

Now onto my 3 latest lists, one if them is what I'm planning on making, and though I also find the foot list very appealing I think it needs testing in Dawn of war and spearhead before I'm sold.  The other one is just for fun because it's awesome and I convinced my girlfriend to start 40k if she gets to run an army of monkeys.

List 1
Coteaz 100

5 Purifiiers- 2 psy cannons, demon hammer, 2 halberds 149
rhino 40
5 Purifiiers- 2 psy cannons, demon hammer, 1 halberd 147
rhino 40

10 Strikers- 2 psy cannons master crafted demon hammer demon hammer psy bolts 250
Rhino 40
10 Strikers- 2 psy cannons master crafted demon hammer demon hammer psy bolts 250
Rhino 40
3 Henchmen- 3 meltas 42
Chimera 55
3 Henchmen- 3 meltas 42
Chimera 55
3 Henchmen- 3 flamers 42
Chimera 55
3 Henchmen- 3 flamers 42
Chimera 55

Dreadnaught- 2 TL AC's Psybolts 135
Dreadnaught- 2 TL AC's Psybolts 135
Dreadnaught- 2 TL AC's Psybolts 135


List 2
Crowe 150

10 Purifiers- 4 psy cannons 5 halberds 1 demon hammer 295
10 Purifiers- 4 psy cannons 5 halberds 1 demon hammer 295
10 Purifiers- 4 psy cannons 5 halberds 1 demon hammer 295
10 Purifiers- 4 psy cannons 5 halberds 1 demon hammer 295

5 Purgators- 4 Psycannons 180
5 Purgators- 4 Psycannons 180
5 Purgators- 3 Psycannons 160


And my personal favorite


Coteaz 100

5 Jokaero 175
Chimera 55
6 Jokaero 210
Chimera 55
6 Jokaero 210
Chimera 55
6 Jokaero 210
Chimera 55
6 Jokaero 210
Chimera 55
6 Jokaero 210
Chimera 55

Dreadnaught- 2 TL AC's Psybolts 135
Dreadnaught- 2 TL AC's Psybolts 135
Dreadnaught- 2 TL AC's Psybolts 135


List 1 is relatively balanced, more conventional and mechanized.  It's got a lot of shooting, decent mobility, and decent combat power.  Nothing really over the top though.

List 2 is much slower, but with run rolls it can be kind of quick.  It's fire power is throught the rough, especially with combat squads, and it's far from a slouch in combat either.  For shooting it throws up a ridiculous 27 psy cannons, on the move that 54 S7 rending shots and standing still thats 108...

And list 3 while I don't think it's really competive, there's something to be said about 3 psyflemen dreads (modeled as monkys of course), and 29 las cannon/multi meltas/heavy flamers.  Hopefully it will actually work.

Comments, thoughts, need someone to talk to about how much your life sucks?  I'm all ears/


  1. I don't like hte new GK . soz bout that.


  2. The all-monkey list is the stuff of dreams at my LGS; however, as each Jokaero will be sold separately in a blister pack (according to our LGS), the monkeys alone may cost well over $400!

    List 1, definitely more typical and I think ultimately more competitive.

  3. List 3 better have the dreadnoughts modeled after King Kong. Then that is epic entertainment.

    Mech list I think will do well.

    I wish I had the codex... but I am not buying the army so that isn't an option. lol.


  4. I wonder how well they are going to disrupt Mech line army's.

    WTB Eldar codex update. However if they are one of the first for 6th edition that would be ok too. Whenever 6th edition may be getting released.

  5. Your approach of GK feels like an IG built. Your 1st list is very serious, I would love to see that list in action. It's like IG without manticore and vendetta, but packs better assault units. They may not win some serious close combat fight, but good enough to create a distraction while other units go to work.

  6. Benjamin and Chris- MONKEYS FTW! Hopefully I can find the money to pull this army off lol.

    Alex- I feel like the army plays a lot more like space wolves, with all the msu and with actual combat punch. The only thing that's really guard like is the melta henchmen in chimeras lol. But the real difference is guard nowadays have a lot of out flanking between 3 vendettas and th increasingly popular al raheim.

    If all goes well I should be able to bring this army to the brothers grim GT in new york in June

  7. Haha, it's pretty funny that you point out the space wolves feel, because my buddy was wondering what if SW and IG have a baby.

    Vendettas will remain popular because a lot of GT or some tournaments in general have poor terrain set up. Drawing LOS from the air is pure win.

    Good Luck to your GT in June.

  8. Thanks Alex and yeah that is pretty funny lol

    I do see vendettas staying strong though. They are very good for their points.

  9. GK prices are up. Jokaero are $12.50 each.

    36 x 12.50 = $450, pre-tax. Don't forget $16.50 for Coteaz.


  10. I love BBQ... Arthur Bryants in KCMO baby!

