Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Tyranids make top tables at adeptcon!?

Jay Woodcock, a player who I've heard many things about, but have yet to play.  An old time tyranid player with a beautiful army.  If someone was to be successful with the new tyranid codex I am not suprised at all was him.  He placed 11th I believe (could be wrong) in the adepticon championship.

His list was as follows

Tevigon- adrenals, toxin sacs, catalyst, crushing claws 220
Tervigon- adrenals, toxin sacs, catalyst 195

3 Hive Guard 150
3 Hive Guard 150
3 Zoanthropes 180

20 Genestealers 280
20 Genestealers 280
15 Genestealers 210

26 Gargoyles- adrenal glands 182

Interesting army on paper.  But, is it really that hard to believe?  I think not.

This army was taken by a Polish competitor in last year's ETC.  He did extremely well with it I believe.  His list was,

Tervigon- catalyst 175

3 Hive Guard 150
3 Hive Guard 150
3 Hive Guard 150

10 gaunts 50
20 Genestealers- Toxin sacs 340
20 Genestealers 280
20 Genestealers 280
Tervigon- catalyst 175


These lists are actually fairly simillar.  Is this the way that tyranids are headed?  Maybe.  Bue let's look in depth at Jay's list and see what it could do.  Fast threat from the stealers, with support from the gargoyles.  2 Tervigons can pump out a solid number of gaunts also.  Hive Guard can pop transports for the stealers and zoans to provide insurance from land raiders.  Not to mention the gargolyles giving cover saves to everyone.  It seems simple but effective. 

I think I'm going to start giving this more in depth thought once I have a minute and really start working on tyranids again.


  1. More info here:
