I went down to my local shop yesterday and got to play my friend Tom who I planned a game with. I used my standard 2k grey knight list which can be found a few posts down. He used his latest blood angel list with mephiston, 2 units of assualt termies, 2 redeemers, 3 las plas backs with assualt squads, and a regular land raider with assualt squad.
The game was capture and controll pitched battle. He put his objective in his deployment zone and parked his scoring land raider on it. I put mine at the edge of my deployment zone since I wanted to be in mid field. the game went quick until massive combats hit. He rushed at me with his raiders and mephiston while I castled up in mid field and protected my melta henchmen. Without any other targets I neutralized the 3 las plas backs and heavy boltered away their contents relatively quickly. But I had no forward element to kill his land riader with. He unloaded one squad of assualt termies and killed 2 razorbacks turn 3 and both squads got pinned. After that I got lucky and immobillized both of his redeemers with my melta henchmen. From then on it was just me tryong to kill mephiston and 10 assualt termies in teh heart of my army. Eventually I prevailed and killed all of it, but I made little effort to puch for his objective, so in the end we drew.
After this game I decided it would be better to make the razorbacks on my purifiers into rhinos and give al my troop transports dozer blades.
I then got to play my friend Rich, who is really a phenominal player. The only army I have a winning record with against him is demons (that includes my new grey knights too). The mission was kill points dawn of war. He won the roll fr first and deployed 1 sister unit all the way up front. The rest of his army was supposed to come in turn 1. I stole the initiative!
I came on castled up in the center ready to push wherever needed. I then made quick work of his rhino. He came on and couldn't see anything. The next turn I shook up his fire support and immobilized a lot of his tanks in his deployment zone. That really stalled him up and put me in a poisition of playing to not lose. Every oppurtunity he got to do something, he was too limited to be successful when compared to me. So I managed to just play the range game, keep my stuff together for support, and deal with whatever he through at me. Eventually he conceeded turn 4.
There is a RTT at a store in my area, which is 2000 points. I will be attending as well as a bunch of other players from my store, who are all pretty compeitive. Were hoping not only to sweep their RTT, but to also get some good practice games in. I'm especially looking forward to it, since I'm going to be borrowing a bunch of stuff, to hopefully have a functional grey knight army to test out.
Here's what my new list looks like if you're interested.
Coteaz 100
5 Purifiers- 2 psy cannons master crafted demon hammer 150
Rhino 40
5 Purifiers- 2 psy cannons master crafted demon hammer 150
Rhino 40
5 Purifiers- 2 psy cannons master crafted demon hammer 150
Rhino 40
5 Strikes- 1 psy cannon master crafted demon hammer 120
Razorback- psy bolts dozer blades search light 56
5 Strikes- 1 psy cannon master crafted demon hammer 120
Razorback- psy bolts dozer blades 55
5 Strikes- 1 psy cannon master crafted demon hammer 120
Razorback- psy bolts dozer blades 55
5 Strikes- 1 psy cannon master crafted demon hammer 120
Razorback- psy bolts dozer blades 55
3 Henchmen- warriors melta guns 42
Chimera- dozer blades 60
3 Henchmen- warriors melta guns 42
Chimera- dozer blades 60
Dread- 2 Twin Linked Auto Cannons psy bolts 135
Dread- 2 Twin Linked Auto Cannons psy bolts 135
Dread- 2 Twin Linked Auto Cannons psy bolts 135
2000 exactly
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Colonial GT round 4
Round 4 I found myself all the way on table 7! Oh no! My opponent had a beautifully painted tyranid army. His list was fairly straight forward.
Tervigon- catalyst 175
3 hive Guard
3 hive Guard
3 Zoanthropes
10 gaunts
Tervigon- Catalyst
5 shrikes- LW BS toxin sacs
3 Trygons- adrendals
It was a scary list for my army, but the lack of genestealers were nice.
The mission was capture and control spearhead. I placed my objective in the middle of my quarter he put his in the corner and protected it with gaunts.
I won the roll for first and gave it to him
He deloyed all through his deployment zone with the shrikes and 2 trygons on 1 flank, another trygon on the other, and the shooty elements and tervigons in the center. The gaunts were in the back holding his objective.
His Turn 1
He moved up and spawned up a gaunt wall.
My Turn 1
I wanted my seekers 1 fiends, 2 bloodletters, and 2 charriots, however I did not get it. The fiend and bloodletters came in the middle about 16" away from his lines. The Screamers came in the back waiting to contest late game if necessary.
His Turn 2
Well he moved up and left his gaunts only protecting his hiveguard zoanthropes and tervigons. 2 of his trygons moved up full speed and tried to fleet (the one on one side, and one of the two on the other. The lone trygon charged some bloodletters and masacred them. The other failed his charge on some bloodletters by a fraction of an inch. He masacred the 1 unit of letters he charged. His shooting was relatively effective killing 3 fiends from 1 unit and 1 from another.
My Turn 2
I got my other squad of fiends, 1 bloodletter squad and my charriots. The charriots came off an icon and shot the trygon that had just killed the bloodletters. I think I caused 2 wounds. The fiends came in the center to support either side, as did the bloodletters. I had one unit of bloodletters move up 2 inches because of difficult terrain. Mind you they were about 4 inches from their charge target, the lone trygon, when this turn started. My unit of 3 fiends moved up and out of cover. And everything else moved up. On one side my bloodletters who were now 2 inches from the trygon rolled snake eyes for their charge and failed. The fiends made their charge on that trygon and did a wound or 2 and stayed in combat.
On the other side of the board I had 2 units of bloodletters and a unit of fiends multi charge 2 trygons and the shrikes. The distance between the trygons was about 4" and that's where the shrikes were. So the way I positioned it only 1 fiend and 1 bloodletter were striking at I 1. I then put 6 bloodletters on 1 trygon, 7 on the other along with 1 fiend, 3 fiends at I 5 on the shrikes, and 1 bloodletter and 1 fiend on the shrikes at I 1. Well almost everything of mine went first and I did 5 wounds to 1 trygon, and 4 to another. Then killed 2 shrikes with the fiends. (That's 15 wounds total) He swung back killing 4 bloodletters and 2 bloodletters from the trygons and 2 fiends from the shrikes. I swung back with my 2 I 1 guys and did 3 more wounds to the shrikes. 18 wounds from me, 10 wounds from him. He loses by 8 and both trygons and the shrikes die.
670 poimts dead from one combat.
His Turn 3
He makes gaunts and charges at me, killing my bloodletters on the front lines, and shoots my fiends that were envolved in the multi assualt to 1 wound. His trygon finishes off my other fiend unit and consolidates 6" back from my bloodletters.
My Turn 3
Bloodletters show up and claim my objective in the backfield. Still no seekers... My fiends that came down last turn went after the last trygon and killed it. The bloodletter unit that came down last turn and the lone fiend multi charged 2 gaunt squads and killed them both.
His Turn 4
He spawns gaunts and taps out with both of them. One tervigon makes 8 or so who go and screen the gaunts that are holding his objective. The other charges forward and kills all my bloodletters and lone fiend The hiveguard and zoanthropes shoot my fiend squad that killed the trygon and kill 2.
My Turn 4
Seekers come down dead center. Fiends run up and charge the hive guard zoanthropes and gaunts. We do a few wounds to each other but overall we stand. Also my charriots that have been plinking away at a tervigon since last turn finally kill it.
His Turn 5
He fortifies his objective some more and we stay locked in combat.
My Turn 5
My seekers get involved and kill all 6 hive guard, the zoanthropes and gaunts.
His Turn 6
He tries to shoot my seekers and kills 3 I think.
My Turn 6
I maneuvre my way around his screen, multicharge all his gauints and tervigon, and table him. This is what I should have done in my round 2 at SVDM to win the game. I had my first seeker charge the closest model, the second charge a model 2" away another charge a model 2" away and so on, until I reached teh end of the unit; at that point I could wrap around the first unit to hit the second.
I picked up a 35/35 which I needed to pull something out overall.
Tervigon- catalyst 175
3 hive Guard
3 hive Guard
3 Zoanthropes
10 gaunts
Tervigon- Catalyst
5 shrikes- LW BS toxin sacs
3 Trygons- adrendals
It was a scary list for my army, but the lack of genestealers were nice.
The mission was capture and control spearhead. I placed my objective in the middle of my quarter he put his in the corner and protected it with gaunts.
I won the roll for first and gave it to him
He deloyed all through his deployment zone with the shrikes and 2 trygons on 1 flank, another trygon on the other, and the shooty elements and tervigons in the center. The gaunts were in the back holding his objective.
His Turn 1
He moved up and spawned up a gaunt wall.
My Turn 1
I wanted my seekers 1 fiends, 2 bloodletters, and 2 charriots, however I did not get it. The fiend and bloodletters came in the middle about 16" away from his lines. The Screamers came in the back waiting to contest late game if necessary.
His Turn 2
Well he moved up and left his gaunts only protecting his hiveguard zoanthropes and tervigons. 2 of his trygons moved up full speed and tried to fleet (the one on one side, and one of the two on the other. The lone trygon charged some bloodletters and masacred them. The other failed his charge on some bloodletters by a fraction of an inch. He masacred the 1 unit of letters he charged. His shooting was relatively effective killing 3 fiends from 1 unit and 1 from another.
My Turn 2
I got my other squad of fiends, 1 bloodletter squad and my charriots. The charriots came off an icon and shot the trygon that had just killed the bloodletters. I think I caused 2 wounds. The fiends came in the center to support either side, as did the bloodletters. I had one unit of bloodletters move up 2 inches because of difficult terrain. Mind you they were about 4 inches from their charge target, the lone trygon, when this turn started. My unit of 3 fiends moved up and out of cover. And everything else moved up. On one side my bloodletters who were now 2 inches from the trygon rolled snake eyes for their charge and failed. The fiends made their charge on that trygon and did a wound or 2 and stayed in combat.
On the other side of the board I had 2 units of bloodletters and a unit of fiends multi charge 2 trygons and the shrikes. The distance between the trygons was about 4" and that's where the shrikes were. So the way I positioned it only 1 fiend and 1 bloodletter were striking at I 1. I then put 6 bloodletters on 1 trygon, 7 on the other along with 1 fiend, 3 fiends at I 5 on the shrikes, and 1 bloodletter and 1 fiend on the shrikes at I 1. Well almost everything of mine went first and I did 5 wounds to 1 trygon, and 4 to another. Then killed 2 shrikes with the fiends. (That's 15 wounds total) He swung back killing 4 bloodletters and 2 bloodletters from the trygons and 2 fiends from the shrikes. I swung back with my 2 I 1 guys and did 3 more wounds to the shrikes. 18 wounds from me, 10 wounds from him. He loses by 8 and both trygons and the shrikes die.
670 poimts dead from one combat.
His Turn 3
He makes gaunts and charges at me, killing my bloodletters on the front lines, and shoots my fiends that were envolved in the multi assualt to 1 wound. His trygon finishes off my other fiend unit and consolidates 6" back from my bloodletters.
My Turn 3
Bloodletters show up and claim my objective in the backfield. Still no seekers... My fiends that came down last turn went after the last trygon and killed it. The bloodletter unit that came down last turn and the lone fiend multi charged 2 gaunt squads and killed them both.
His Turn 4
He spawns gaunts and taps out with both of them. One tervigon makes 8 or so who go and screen the gaunts that are holding his objective. The other charges forward and kills all my bloodletters and lone fiend The hiveguard and zoanthropes shoot my fiend squad that killed the trygon and kill 2.
My Turn 4
Seekers come down dead center. Fiends run up and charge the hive guard zoanthropes and gaunts. We do a few wounds to each other but overall we stand. Also my charriots that have been plinking away at a tervigon since last turn finally kill it.
His Turn 5
He fortifies his objective some more and we stay locked in combat.
My Turn 5
My seekers get involved and kill all 6 hive guard, the zoanthropes and gaunts.
His Turn 6
He tries to shoot my seekers and kills 3 I think.
My Turn 6
I maneuvre my way around his screen, multicharge all his gauints and tervigon, and table him. This is what I should have done in my round 2 at SVDM to win the game. I had my first seeker charge the closest model, the second charge a model 2" away another charge a model 2" away and so on, until I reached teh end of the unit; at that point I could wrap around the first unit to hit the second.
I picked up a 35/35 which I needed to pull something out overall.
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
40k the psychological part
I once played a game against Alex Fennell, a very talented 40k sevant from England. He now lives in Maine and is part of cold steel mercs, a well known club in the NE. I was still new at demons and it was my first tournament with them. Needless to say my list was sub par, however his list was unoptimal aswell. It was a small rogue trader type tournament with 24ish people, and he had brought his pirate themed orks. It was his fun army vs my poorly built demons. Meaning it would have truely been a battle of generalship.
Well we started off on our game, and I got my ass ripped up. Not because of list. Not because of match up. Not because of mission. Because of DICE! No... Lol it was because he out played me. It's not often I'm outplayed honestly, but I try to learn the most of it when it happens. What was the conclusion I came to? Simple, he got into my head, made me indecisive, made it so I was trying to half ass a lot of things, instead of comitting to anything etc... As to how he did that I'm still very unsure, but it happened, and I lost because of it.
To bring up more examples. Last year at NOVA I played Dash of pepper. Truth be told we were both in each others heads. Both of us are well known tournament goers with relatively impressive records, and scary armies. We both feared our game with each other. As much as I was winning or losing the mental game he was winning or losing the same. When we got started though, I was still a nervous wreck and Dash (who was buzzed) got his cool back. Maybe through booze, maybe because he's mentally tougher. (I do believe he was in the army at one point) Whatever the case, he tore me a new one. Again, simply because he got in my head. (Although this game was far more dice based)
My game this year at mechanicon against Matt Cassidy is yet another good example. We basically figured out we would be playing at the top table sunday morning, and we both spent all Saturday night talking it up over dinner with our respective collegues (fancy language gets girls) about how to best destroy one another. While evetually I came to the conclusion the match up (while it could easily go either way) was in my favor. He probably came to the same conclusion and came down Sunday morning nervous, while I was calm and ready to play. It was because of this that I managed to table his foot guard (over 200 models!)
As much as players might not want to admit it, many games are won and lost before they start, all because of psychology. It goes along the mantra of if you go into a game confident you will do well, vs going into the game unconfident and doing poorly. A lot of times, less known players see my name on the match up sheet early on and get disheartened, because they are aware of my many GT placings. They give up on the game before it starts, and that is often why my round ones never seem difficult to me. I'm sure this sort of thing happens to the more experiencedd of us all the time. But that is just one of the many ways you can get in your opponents head, I'm sure there are many, many others.
I want to know your thoughts on the role of psychology in 40k, and how you implement it to your advantage,
Well we started off on our game, and I got my ass ripped up. Not because of list. Not because of match up. Not because of mission. Because of DICE! No... Lol it was because he out played me. It's not often I'm outplayed honestly, but I try to learn the most of it when it happens. What was the conclusion I came to? Simple, he got into my head, made me indecisive, made it so I was trying to half ass a lot of things, instead of comitting to anything etc... As to how he did that I'm still very unsure, but it happened, and I lost because of it.
To bring up more examples. Last year at NOVA I played Dash of pepper. Truth be told we were both in each others heads. Both of us are well known tournament goers with relatively impressive records, and scary armies. We both feared our game with each other. As much as I was winning or losing the mental game he was winning or losing the same. When we got started though, I was still a nervous wreck and Dash (who was buzzed) got his cool back. Maybe through booze, maybe because he's mentally tougher. (I do believe he was in the army at one point) Whatever the case, he tore me a new one. Again, simply because he got in my head. (Although this game was far more dice based)
My game this year at mechanicon against Matt Cassidy is yet another good example. We basically figured out we would be playing at the top table sunday morning, and we both spent all Saturday night talking it up over dinner with our respective collegues (fancy language gets girls) about how to best destroy one another. While evetually I came to the conclusion the match up (while it could easily go either way) was in my favor. He probably came to the same conclusion and came down Sunday morning nervous, while I was calm and ready to play. It was because of this that I managed to table his foot guard (over 200 models!)
As much as players might not want to admit it, many games are won and lost before they start, all because of psychology. It goes along the mantra of if you go into a game confident you will do well, vs going into the game unconfident and doing poorly. A lot of times, less known players see my name on the match up sheet early on and get disheartened, because they are aware of my many GT placings. They give up on the game before it starts, and that is often why my round ones never seem difficult to me. I'm sure this sort of thing happens to the more experiencedd of us all the time. But that is just one of the many ways you can get in your opponents head, I'm sure there are many, many others.
I want to know your thoughts on the role of psychology in 40k, and how you implement it to your advantage,
Monday, April 25, 2011
Eldar a slightly different approach?
Autarch- fusion gun 80
5 Fire dragons 80
Wave Serpant- EML 120
5 Fire dragons 80
Wave Serpant- EML 120
5 Dire Avengers 60
Wave Serpant- EML 120
5 Dire Avengers 60
Wave Serpant- EML 120
3 Jetbikes- Shuriken Cannon 76
3 Jetbikes- Shuriken Cannon 76
3 Jetbikes- Shuriken Cannon 76
8 Warp Spiders 196
8 Warp Spiders 196
3 War Walkers- Scatter Lasers 180
3 War Walkers- Scatter Lasers 180
3 War Walkers- Scatter Lasers 180
The 1850 version cuts out a bike squad and downgrades the EML's to shuriken catapults.
Usually it will try to go second and reserve. The walkers outflank, the spiders deepstrike if theres a good oppurtunity. It takes the principle of the best IG builds, which is to spread your army over all sides of the table fircing your opponent to split up his forces. This is how Andrew Gonyo won both the Conflict GT and St Valentines Day Masacre. It play at extreme range. It has melta. It has speed. It has the ability to manipulate reserves. And S6 can damage most tanks in teh game, especially when massed like this. What do you think?
Autarch- fusion gun 80
5 Fire dragons 80
Wave Serpant- EML 120
5 Fire dragons 80
Wave Serpant- EML 120
5 Dire Avengers 60
Wave Serpant- EML 120
5 Dire Avengers 60
Wave Serpant- EML 120
3 Jetbikes- Shuriken Cannon 76
3 Jetbikes- Shuriken Cannon 76
3 Jetbikes- Shuriken Cannon 76
8 Warp Spiders 196
8 Warp Spiders 196
3 War Walkers- Scatter Lasers 180
3 War Walkers- Scatter Lasers 180
3 War Walkers- Scatter Lasers 180
The 1850 version cuts out a bike squad and downgrades the EML's to shuriken catapults.
Usually it will try to go second and reserve. The walkers outflank, the spiders deepstrike if theres a good oppurtunity. It takes the principle of the best IG builds, which is to spread your army over all sides of the table fircing your opponent to split up his forces. This is how Andrew Gonyo won both the Conflict GT and St Valentines Day Masacre. It play at extreme range. It has melta. It has speed. It has the ability to manipulate reserves. And S6 can damage most tanks in teh game, especially when massed like this. What do you think?
Sunday, April 24, 2011
I'm sorry did you just get eaten?
I know I've been pretty grey knight happy, but don't think I've forgotten about tyranids! I've finally made a list that I actually like. It's much different from what the internet deems as good, but it is based off of what successful tyranid players have been running.
Tervigon- Adrenals, Toxins, Catalyst, Clusters 195
Tervigon- Adrenals, Toxins, Catalyst, Clusters 195
3 Hive Guard 150
3 Hive Guard 150
2 Zoanthropes 120
Spore pod- clusters 50
20 Genestealers- Toxin sacs 340
20 Genestealers- Toxin sacs 340
5 Genestealers 70
5 Genestealers 70
20 Gargoyles- Adrenals, Toxin sacs 160
20 Gargoyles- Adrenals, Toxin sacs 160
2000 exactly. Over a hundred models, all of which can mess you up. Don't underestimate that much S4 rending on your tanks either, and even the gargoyles can glance.
Tervigon- Adrenals, Toxins, Catalyst, Clusters 195
Tervigon- Adrenals, Toxins, Catalyst, Clusters 195
3 Hive Guard 150
3 Hive Guard 150
2 Zoanthropes 120
Spore pod- clusters 50
20 Genestealers- Toxin sacs 340
20 Genestealers- Toxin sacs 340
5 Genestealers 70
5 Genestealers 70
20 Gargoyles- Adrenals, Toxin sacs 160
20 Gargoyles- Adrenals, Toxin sacs 160
2000 exactly. Over a hundred models, all of which can mess you up. Don't underestimate that much S4 rending on your tanks either, and even the gargoyles can glance.
Grey knights with land raiders!
Very old school style of play, but far more viable in the new book. We'll see how it goes.
Crowe 150
10 Purifiers- 4 incineraters master crafted demon hammer 5 halberds 260
10 Purifiers- 4 incineraters master crafted demon hammer 5 halberds 260
5 Purifiers- 2 incineraters master crafter demon hammer 2 halberds 134
5 Strikes- demon hammer psy cannon 120
Razorback- Las cannon plasma gun 80
5 Strikes- demon hammer psy cannon 120
Razorback- Las cannon plasma gun 80
Land Raider- Multi Melta 265
Land Raider- Multi Melta 265
Land Raider- Multi Melta 265
The strikes are there to be scoring units in the backfield and to protect me from the horrors of deepstriking melta guns.
Crowe 150
10 Purifiers- 4 incineraters master crafted demon hammer 5 halberds 260
10 Purifiers- 4 incineraters master crafted demon hammer 5 halberds 260
5 Purifiers- 2 incineraters master crafter demon hammer 2 halberds 134
5 Strikes- demon hammer psy cannon 120
Razorback- Las cannon plasma gun 80
5 Strikes- demon hammer psy cannon 120
Razorback- Las cannon plasma gun 80
Land Raider- Multi Melta 265
Land Raider- Multi Melta 265
Land Raider- Multi Melta 265
The strikes are there to be scoring units in the backfield and to protect me from the horrors of deepstriking melta guns.
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Colonial round 3
Going into round 3, my friend Brad with deathwing has 70/70 my friend Al has a 70/70 I have a 70/70 and Dameon Green with his vanilla marines has 70/70. I prey to the match up gods since I could stomp Brad or Al, but Dameon could beat me into the ground. Well round 3 pairings, Nick Vs Dameon table 2!
Mission was 5 objectives or something, I don't remember because it didn't matter in the slightest.
Deployment was pitched battle.
His list
Khan on bike
3 Dreads- 2 Twin linked auto cannons
2 8 man bike squads- 2 meltas, power fist, attack bike with multi melta
2 5 man scout squad- power fist
2 Storms- heavy flamers
3 Thunderfire cannons
Dameon is known for having a bad reputation, so I took it upon myself to watch him closely. We had a few disagreements throughout the game, such as does the hole of the blast template need to be completely over the models base or just touching. He also was very close to calling me out for cheating which I found very displeasing (to be fair I was rolling really well for my scatters and runs). But, other than that we made it through the game and despite getting the shit beat out of me, the game was fun.
So he wins the roll for first and gives it to me. He deployed very castled up in a corner. The thunders in the back, the dreads in front of them and the bikes in front of them. The storms scouted up to create an anti deepstrike bubble with the jammer or whatever it's called.
My Turn 1
I wanted 2 units of fiends, 2 units of bloodletters (1 with icon) and my charriots, and I got it. 1 charriot flew into impassable terrain and mishapped, throwing him back into reserve. The rest I think I hit with everything. I came in about 15 inches away from his bikes, and spread out to 2 inches with my run rolls with everything. My one charriot managed to wreck a speeder.
His Turn 1
He moved up with his bikes and shuffled his dreads. His one sppeeder also moved up. Here's where we had our first disagreement. He claimed that the hole in the center of the template only had to be touching a model's base, I claimed it had to be over completely. I still don't know who was right, but I conceeded the point to him very quickly due to lack of caring. So despite me spreading myself 2 inches apart everywhere, he would consistently hit 2 models with his small blasts. After the thunder fire cannons went I had lost all but one squad of bloodletters, and half a unit of fiends. The bikes rapid fired and killed a few more from that unit. The other bike unit rapi fired and killed 3 from the other unit. So, I'm lloking at one unit of fiends with 3 wounds leftm the ther with 5. The dreads unloaded and killed the weaker fiend squad and popped another fiends from the 3 man squad.
Brutal turn.
My Turn 2
I have great reserve rolls, everything comes in except my charriot that mishapped lol, and 1 unit of screamers. Everything comes in the middle of the board and spreads out, again almost all hits from my scatter. This is where he got frustrated and almost called me out for cheating. Now here's my plan. Khan nad his bike squad are within charge range of my bloodletters and fiends, if I can kill khan and tie up his squad they can't get away then I can either finish them or hit and run away from him on his turn to start wrecking his thunder fires. My bloodletters moved up in such a way that they would only be able to reach khan (since he was in front) the fiends also made it so that he was the closest model to charge. I got the charges off, and between 18 bloodletter attacks, at S5 I managed 2 wounds, of which he passed both. The fiend on khan put 1 wound on him and the fiend on teh bikes killed a bike. He buttrapes both of my units...
His Turn 2
He's free to move now. So he moves up with his dreads into charge range of my seekers. And surrounds my army with his bikes. the thunder fires opened up on my seekers and killed 18 of them or something. The dreads shot my fiends and killed 3 or so. 1 bike squads shot the fiends and then charged them, finishing them off. The other bike squad shot a squad of bloodletters, then charged in with khan and went furst killing them all.
My Turn 3
The rest of my army comes in. I try to kill things like his speeders and scouts to draw kill points (it's a win by 3 margin), as to get some points from this game. I popped another speeder. My 2 remaining seekers charge a squad of scouts and kill 3, but lose one of there own. The last unit of bloodletters is too far away to do anything, so it runs away.
His Turn 3
He hunderfires away my bloodletter, and chases after my charriots with his bikes. I think he got one. His dreads do some damage to my screamers. In combat neither the seekre nor the scout dies.
My Turn 4
Run away! try to snipe kill points and fail,
His Turn 4
He shoots ignores cover blasts at my screamers to get rid of their turbo save. He illed a unit this way. His dreads and bikes kill my charriots. And in combat we push again.
My Turn 5
I Turbo behind LOS blocking terrain with my last 4 screamers. He finally kills my seeker.
His Turn 5
He turbos to catch me. Now there's nowhere to hide.
At this points I concede. I gto 0 he got 35, putting him in first.
I'm a little dissapointed, but I expected it, I also take losing well so I bounced right back. Me and my friends went out to some asian restaurant where I dropped 30 bucks for some teriyaki chicken and spare ribs, but it was good time. Then I headed back to my house which was only 30 mins away from the GT!
Mission was 5 objectives or something, I don't remember because it didn't matter in the slightest.
Deployment was pitched battle.
His list
Khan on bike
3 Dreads- 2 Twin linked auto cannons
2 8 man bike squads- 2 meltas, power fist, attack bike with multi melta
2 5 man scout squad- power fist
2 Storms- heavy flamers
3 Thunderfire cannons
Dameon is known for having a bad reputation, so I took it upon myself to watch him closely. We had a few disagreements throughout the game, such as does the hole of the blast template need to be completely over the models base or just touching. He also was very close to calling me out for cheating which I found very displeasing (to be fair I was rolling really well for my scatters and runs). But, other than that we made it through the game and despite getting the shit beat out of me, the game was fun.
So he wins the roll for first and gives it to me. He deployed very castled up in a corner. The thunders in the back, the dreads in front of them and the bikes in front of them. The storms scouted up to create an anti deepstrike bubble with the jammer or whatever it's called.
My Turn 1
I wanted 2 units of fiends, 2 units of bloodletters (1 with icon) and my charriots, and I got it. 1 charriot flew into impassable terrain and mishapped, throwing him back into reserve. The rest I think I hit with everything. I came in about 15 inches away from his bikes, and spread out to 2 inches with my run rolls with everything. My one charriot managed to wreck a speeder.
His Turn 1
He moved up with his bikes and shuffled his dreads. His one sppeeder also moved up. Here's where we had our first disagreement. He claimed that the hole in the center of the template only had to be touching a model's base, I claimed it had to be over completely. I still don't know who was right, but I conceeded the point to him very quickly due to lack of caring. So despite me spreading myself 2 inches apart everywhere, he would consistently hit 2 models with his small blasts. After the thunder fire cannons went I had lost all but one squad of bloodletters, and half a unit of fiends. The bikes rapid fired and killed a few more from that unit. The other bike unit rapi fired and killed 3 from the other unit. So, I'm lloking at one unit of fiends with 3 wounds leftm the ther with 5. The dreads unloaded and killed the weaker fiend squad and popped another fiends from the 3 man squad.
Brutal turn.
My Turn 2
I have great reserve rolls, everything comes in except my charriot that mishapped lol, and 1 unit of screamers. Everything comes in the middle of the board and spreads out, again almost all hits from my scatter. This is where he got frustrated and almost called me out for cheating. Now here's my plan. Khan nad his bike squad are within charge range of my bloodletters and fiends, if I can kill khan and tie up his squad they can't get away then I can either finish them or hit and run away from him on his turn to start wrecking his thunder fires. My bloodletters moved up in such a way that they would only be able to reach khan (since he was in front) the fiends also made it so that he was the closest model to charge. I got the charges off, and between 18 bloodletter attacks, at S5 I managed 2 wounds, of which he passed both. The fiend on khan put 1 wound on him and the fiend on teh bikes killed a bike. He buttrapes both of my units...
His Turn 2
He's free to move now. So he moves up with his dreads into charge range of my seekers. And surrounds my army with his bikes. the thunder fires opened up on my seekers and killed 18 of them or something. The dreads shot my fiends and killed 3 or so. 1 bike squads shot the fiends and then charged them, finishing them off. The other bike squad shot a squad of bloodletters, then charged in with khan and went furst killing them all.
My Turn 3
The rest of my army comes in. I try to kill things like his speeders and scouts to draw kill points (it's a win by 3 margin), as to get some points from this game. I popped another speeder. My 2 remaining seekers charge a squad of scouts and kill 3, but lose one of there own. The last unit of bloodletters is too far away to do anything, so it runs away.
His Turn 3
He hunderfires away my bloodletter, and chases after my charriots with his bikes. I think he got one. His dreads do some damage to my screamers. In combat neither the seekre nor the scout dies.
My Turn 4
Run away! try to snipe kill points and fail,
His Turn 4
He shoots ignores cover blasts at my screamers to get rid of their turbo save. He illed a unit this way. His dreads and bikes kill my charriots. And in combat we push again.
My Turn 5
I Turbo behind LOS blocking terrain with my last 4 screamers. He finally kills my seeker.
His Turn 5
He turbos to catch me. Now there's nowhere to hide.
At this points I concede. I gto 0 he got 35, putting him in first.
I'm a little dissapointed, but I expected it, I also take losing well so I bounced right back. Me and my friends went out to some asian restaurant where I dropped 30 bucks for some teriyaki chicken and spare ribs, but it was good time. Then I headed back to my house which was only 30 mins away from the GT!
Friday, April 22, 2011
Grey knights more spammy!
The more and more I play with the new grey knights the more and more I'm impressed by subtle things that can be spammed such as the humble heavy bolter psy bolt razorback, the power of storm bolters, and incineraters. In my latest test game, I found these to be real winners in the anti infantry department. So I wanted to see what I could make happen.
After a bunch of more gimicky lists based around these options, I found myself going back to a much more tuned version of one of my original lists. Let's see what you think.
Coteaz 100
5 Purifiers- 2 psy cannons master crafted demon hammer 150
Razorback- psybolts 50
5 Purifiers- 2 psy cannons master crafted demon hammer 150
Razorback- psybolts 50
5 Purifiers- 2 psy cannons master crafted demon hammer 150
Razorback- psybolts 50
5 Grey Knights- psy cannon master crafted demon hammer 125
Razorback- psybolts 50
5 Grey Knights- psy cannon master crafted demon hammer 125
Razorback- psybolts 50
5 Grey Knights- psy cannon master crafted demon hammer 125
Razorback- psybolts 50
5 Grey Knights- psy cannon master crafted demon hammer 125
Razorback- psybolts 50
3 Henchmen- meltas 42
Chimera 55
3 Henchmen- meltas 42
Chimera 55
Dreadnaught- 2 Twin linked auto cannons psy bolts 135
Dreadnaught- 2 Twin linked auto cannons psy bolts 135
Dreadnaught- 2 Twin linked auto cannons psy bolts 135
1999 what do you think?
After a bunch of more gimicky lists based around these options, I found myself going back to a much more tuned version of one of my original lists. Let's see what you think.
Coteaz 100
5 Purifiers- 2 psy cannons master crafted demon hammer 150
Razorback- psybolts 50
5 Purifiers- 2 psy cannons master crafted demon hammer 150
Razorback- psybolts 50
5 Purifiers- 2 psy cannons master crafted demon hammer 150
Razorback- psybolts 50
5 Grey Knights- psy cannon master crafted demon hammer 125
Razorback- psybolts 50
5 Grey Knights- psy cannon master crafted demon hammer 125
Razorback- psybolts 50
5 Grey Knights- psy cannon master crafted demon hammer 125
Razorback- psybolts 50
5 Grey Knights- psy cannon master crafted demon hammer 125
Razorback- psybolts 50
3 Henchmen- meltas 42
Chimera 55
3 Henchmen- meltas 42
Chimera 55
Dreadnaught- 2 Twin linked auto cannons psy bolts 135
Dreadnaught- 2 Twin linked auto cannons psy bolts 135
Dreadnaught- 2 Twin linked auto cannons psy bolts 135
1999 what do you think?
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Grey knights! kind of less spammy
Quick post of a new list I made. Let me know what you think. It's designed to have options to do just about anything I need.
Grand Master- Psykotroch grenades incinerator 195
5 Purifiers- 2 psy cannons hammer 145
Razorback- psy bolts 50
5 Purifiers- 2 psy cannons hammer 145
Razorback- psy bolts 50
5 Purifiers- 2 incineraters hammer 125
(goes in land raider with grand master)
5 Strikes- psy cannon hammer master crafted 125
Razorback- las cannon plasma gun 80
5 Strikes- psy cannon hammer master crafted 125
Razorback- las cannon plasma gun 80
5 Strikes- psy cannon hammer master crafted 125
Razorback- las cannon plasma gun 80
5 Intercepters- hammer 140
Dreadnaught- 2 Twin Linked Autocannons psybolts 135
Dreadnaught- 2 Twin Linked Autocannons psybolts 135
Land Raider- Multi melta 265
2000 on the nose.
Grand Master- Psykotroch grenades incinerator 195
5 Purifiers- 2 psy cannons hammer 145
Razorback- psy bolts 50
5 Purifiers- 2 psy cannons hammer 145
Razorback- psy bolts 50
5 Purifiers- 2 incineraters hammer 125
(goes in land raider with grand master)
5 Strikes- psy cannon hammer master crafted 125
Razorback- las cannon plasma gun 80
5 Strikes- psy cannon hammer master crafted 125
Razorback- las cannon plasma gun 80
5 Strikes- psy cannon hammer master crafted 125
Razorback- las cannon plasma gun 80
5 Intercepters- hammer 140
Dreadnaught- 2 Twin Linked Autocannons psybolts 135
Dreadnaught- 2 Twin Linked Autocannons psybolts 135
Land Raider- Multi melta 265
2000 on the nose.
New Bases!
Well my dragon forge bases finally came in, so I can start working on my new grey knights. That means round 3 is going to have to wait while I play with my new toys though :P
Monday, April 18, 2011
Colonial GT Round 2!
I played Tony Spino and his pure khorne for round 2! He is the guy who runs mechanicon and let me just say right off the bat this guy knows how to play!
Anyway my list was,
Herald of Tzeentch- Charriot bolt master 100
Herald of Tzeentch- Charriot bolt master 100
6 Fiends 180
6 Fiends 180
6 Fiends 180
7 bloodletters- icon 137
7 bloodletters- icon 137
7 bloodletter 112
7 bloodletter 112
7 bloodletter 112
5 screamers 80
5 screamers 80
20 seekers 340
1850 exactly.
His list was,
Demon Prince of khorne
5 possesed in thino
3 units of 8 berzerkers- power fists (2 of them had rhinos)
2 units of 8 lesser demons
Land Raider
I apologize if I missed anything but I'm pretty sure that was it.
The mission was table quarters primary. You held a quarter by having more victory points in it than your opponent. Deployment was spearhead.
He won the roll for first but took it? Fairly big mistake but it didn't make a difference in the emd.
He deployed with everything pretty much huddled up around the center, with the 2 berzerker rhinos on 1 flank, the possesed and prince on the other, and land raider and dread in the center.
His Turn 1
He drove up 12 in all sorts of directions and popped smoke!
My Turn 1
I asked for my seekers, my screamers, 1 unit of fiends, and 2 units of letters (1 with icon) and did not get it! So dow came 2 units of fiends, 3 units of bloodletters and 2 charriots. 1 cahrriot came down behind his army to try and force him to split his forces. It took a rear shot at his dreadnaught and killed it. Good start! 1 unit of fiends came in the right, with a unit of bloodletters next to it in the center. Behind them was the other unit of fiends, and the their left were the other 2 units of bloodletters. The other charriot came down on the far flanks and took a shot at the possesed rhino but missed.
His Turn 2
The berzerkers from the 2 rhinos got out and walked u and charged my 2 bloodletter squads on the left. Needless to say both bloodletter squads vanished. The prince turned around and charged the charriot in his backfield, but they stayed. The possesed drove up to the charriot that shot them. The land raider moved up 12" and unloaded berzerkers and kharn into my fiends. After the dust settled he had lost 4 berzerkers and I had 2 fiends left!
My Turn 2
I got my seekers my fiends 1 unit of bloodletters and a unit of screamers. The screamers cam off the icon which was on the only bloodletter squad left, in the center. The fiends and letters also came off that icon. The seekers cme on the flank with the demons prince and 2 berzerker squads. My bloodletters that were previously on the table moved out of the forest they were in and charged the khorne berzerkers with kharn. After that round I had lost my fiends but he was dead. The fiends that were behind them charged a berzerker squad and killed 6 of them, taking few casualties. I managed to position it so that he would not be able to countercharge them with the other berzerker squad on his turn. My charriot finlly died to the prince.
His Turn 3
He got a unit of lesser demons which came off the the berzerkers fighting my fiends. The possesed gout out of their rhino and the prince flew to the center where all teh action was taking place. He them multicharged 12 fiends and 7 bloodletters, with 5 possesed a demon prince and 8 lesser demons. (he also had the remaing 2 berzerkers) I slaughtered almost all of it and then made what wasnt killed (the possesed) flee.
It was about here where Tony realized I had the game.
My Turn 3
My seekers charged into his 2 berzerker rhinos and squad of berzerkers and killed a rhino and all the berzerkers. The screamers managed to kill the land raider.
His Turn 4
His lesser demons came in but the icons were all dead and so were destroyed. His 2 remaining rhinos drove 12" away.
My Turn 4
I moved chased after them, and made sure I got all my bonuses.
His Turn 5
Drive 12.
My Turn 5
Catch him but fai to kil a rhino
His Turn 6
Drive away
My Turn 6
Finally caught the bastard!
And thus ends round 2 with me having 70/70 battle points going into round 3. Only 3 other people have perfect scores so I'm already in top 4!
Anyway my list was,
Herald of Tzeentch- Charriot bolt master 100
Herald of Tzeentch- Charriot bolt master 100
6 Fiends 180
6 Fiends 180
6 Fiends 180
7 bloodletters- icon 137
7 bloodletters- icon 137
7 bloodletter 112
7 bloodletter 112
7 bloodletter 112
5 screamers 80
5 screamers 80
20 seekers 340
1850 exactly.
His list was,
Demon Prince of khorne
5 possesed in thino
3 units of 8 berzerkers- power fists (2 of them had rhinos)
2 units of 8 lesser demons
Land Raider
I apologize if I missed anything but I'm pretty sure that was it.
The mission was table quarters primary. You held a quarter by having more victory points in it than your opponent. Deployment was spearhead.
He won the roll for first but took it? Fairly big mistake but it didn't make a difference in the emd.
He deployed with everything pretty much huddled up around the center, with the 2 berzerker rhinos on 1 flank, the possesed and prince on the other, and land raider and dread in the center.
His Turn 1
He drove up 12 in all sorts of directions and popped smoke!
My Turn 1
I asked for my seekers, my screamers, 1 unit of fiends, and 2 units of letters (1 with icon) and did not get it! So dow came 2 units of fiends, 3 units of bloodletters and 2 charriots. 1 cahrriot came down behind his army to try and force him to split his forces. It took a rear shot at his dreadnaught and killed it. Good start! 1 unit of fiends came in the right, with a unit of bloodletters next to it in the center. Behind them was the other unit of fiends, and the their left were the other 2 units of bloodletters. The other charriot came down on the far flanks and took a shot at the possesed rhino but missed.
His Turn 2
The berzerkers from the 2 rhinos got out and walked u and charged my 2 bloodletter squads on the left. Needless to say both bloodletter squads vanished. The prince turned around and charged the charriot in his backfield, but they stayed. The possesed drove up to the charriot that shot them. The land raider moved up 12" and unloaded berzerkers and kharn into my fiends. After the dust settled he had lost 4 berzerkers and I had 2 fiends left!
My Turn 2
I got my seekers my fiends 1 unit of bloodletters and a unit of screamers. The screamers cam off the icon which was on the only bloodletter squad left, in the center. The fiends and letters also came off that icon. The seekers cme on the flank with the demons prince and 2 berzerker squads. My bloodletters that were previously on the table moved out of the forest they were in and charged the khorne berzerkers with kharn. After that round I had lost my fiends but he was dead. The fiends that were behind them charged a berzerker squad and killed 6 of them, taking few casualties. I managed to position it so that he would not be able to countercharge them with the other berzerker squad on his turn. My charriot finlly died to the prince.
His Turn 3
He got a unit of lesser demons which came off the the berzerkers fighting my fiends. The possesed gout out of their rhino and the prince flew to the center where all teh action was taking place. He them multicharged 12 fiends and 7 bloodletters, with 5 possesed a demon prince and 8 lesser demons. (he also had the remaing 2 berzerkers) I slaughtered almost all of it and then made what wasnt killed (the possesed) flee.
It was about here where Tony realized I had the game.
My Turn 3
My seekers charged into his 2 berzerker rhinos and squad of berzerkers and killed a rhino and all the berzerkers. The screamers managed to kill the land raider.
His Turn 4
His lesser demons came in but the icons were all dead and so were destroyed. His 2 remaining rhinos drove 12" away.
My Turn 4
I moved chased after them, and made sure I got all my bonuses.
His Turn 5
Drive 12.
My Turn 5
Catch him but fai to kil a rhino
His Turn 6
Drive away
My Turn 6
Finally caught the bastard!
And thus ends round 2 with me having 70/70 battle points going into round 3. Only 3 other people have perfect scores so I'm already in top 4!
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Grey Knights an overlooked unit, and my discoveries
So I've started getting a respectable number of playtest games in with the new grey knights. And, I've painted a new razorback/rhino which I'm quite proud of :D. Anyway I've tried a variety of lists with minor tweaks based on my games. Each time the list has gotten stronger as a whole and I am going to to share my findings with you!
Purifiers are the only thing in the army with real klling power. (Aside from Paladins and terminaters) In every test game they have been the only thing in my army to pull their weight. And honestly they pull the wait of the whole army with them.
Inquisitoral henchmen suck. That's right you heard me. I too thought they would be the awesomesauce, but alas their ridiculously cheap bodies and suicide meltas, as well as unlcoking more transports is a fascade. they are good when they are able to drive up to a tank of a monster without cover, from inside their transport and blow it up. That's for sure. But more often than not their transport gets blown up and most die in the explosion and die right away. Or they have to roll up 12" get out, maybe not even blow up their target (because BS 3 sucks) and die. You can't just take 1 because that's unreliable and the minute you take more than 1 you start blowing over 200 points on suicide squads that frankly suck.
As much as they are msu and cheap and melta and transport, and by all logic of 40k should be amazing, they aren't. These guys are honestly better left at home.
Strike squads are really bad in comparison to purifiers. I know that's a fairly obvious statement, but I don't think I've ever been let down so much by a unit of force weapons in combat. The really need more attacks to accomplish anything. The hammer is overcosted relative to purifiers, and you can only get 1 psy cannon. As much as these should make up the back bone of your army they suck at it.
Autocannon dread are solid. They are far from a bad choice that's for sure. They may have just been over hyped a lot, but these guys are not just monsters that knock out a tank a turn each. Honestly if I can even manage penetrating hits on 3 tanks a turn I'll be over joyed. They will still be making it into my lists, but just don't expect the best fire support ever like I did., you will be dissapointed.
Heavy bolter razorbacks are a nice unit to have. They add supressing fire as well as a way to help finish off squads or weaken large squads to soething a bit more manageable. For purifiers a rhino is better, for strike squads it's about the same.
Las Plas razors that can't be shaken or stunned are not good. Purifiers should be in rhinos because they need to be in centerfield and shooting from inside. If you're fielding las plas razors than they better be on strike squads. If they are om strike squads they better in the backfield making use of their range, but if they are they aren't supporting your rhinos, so the synergy just isn't there. If you take henchmen and give them a las plas razor, you shouldn't be because you need the fire points of a chimera to make henchmen even remotely fieldable.
And lastly, interceptors. The oe unit I am going to talk about that I haven't tested. Honeslty I overlooked them until my buddy Rich kicked my ass earlier today and told me to consider them when I asked him what he would change in my list.
They add mobility, shunting in capture and controll is game changing, when your aggressive forces can't make it to your opponent's objective. They can jump around and limit return fire while dealing with those pesky units you don't want to waaste a real unit on, like scout bikers, or single land speeders. They also ass the very nice incinerator to wherever your heart desires. With the shunt move you can basically get a S6 heavy flamer to anywhere you want on the board. That will really help deal with pathfinders, lootas, and gaunts that are sittign on objectives in the back.
The unit adds a 3rd dimension of options a standard grey knight army does not have. They are the grey knights version of scout bikers, wolf scouts or deff koptas. And while they can't alpha strike they pa a simillar role in supporting the army with speed by being a pain in the ass for the opponent.
With all this in mind I think this will be the next army i will be testing.
Crowe 150
5 Purifiers- 2 psy cannons master crafted demon hammer 2 halberds 134
rhino 40
5 Purifiers- 2 psy cannons master crafted demon hammer 2 halberds 134
rhino 40
5 Purifiers- 2 psy cannons demon hammer 2 halberds 129
5 Purifiers- 2 psy cannons demon hammer 2 halberds 129
5 Purifiers- 2 psy cannons demon hammer 2 halberds 129
5 Purifiers- 2 psy cannons demon hammer 2 halberds 129
5 Interceptors- incinerator 150
5 Intercepters- incinerator 150
Dreadnaught- 2 Twin linked auto cannons psy bolts 135
Dreadnaught- 2 Twin linked auto cannons psy bolts 135
Dreadnaught- 2 Twin linked auto cannons psy bolts 135
Purifiers are the only thing in the army with real klling power. (Aside from Paladins and terminaters) In every test game they have been the only thing in my army to pull their weight. And honestly they pull the wait of the whole army with them.
Inquisitoral henchmen suck. That's right you heard me. I too thought they would be the awesomesauce, but alas their ridiculously cheap bodies and suicide meltas, as well as unlcoking more transports is a fascade. they are good when they are able to drive up to a tank of a monster without cover, from inside their transport and blow it up. That's for sure. But more often than not their transport gets blown up and most die in the explosion and die right away. Or they have to roll up 12" get out, maybe not even blow up their target (because BS 3 sucks) and die. You can't just take 1 because that's unreliable and the minute you take more than 1 you start blowing over 200 points on suicide squads that frankly suck.
As much as they are msu and cheap and melta and transport, and by all logic of 40k should be amazing, they aren't. These guys are honestly better left at home.
Strike squads are really bad in comparison to purifiers. I know that's a fairly obvious statement, but I don't think I've ever been let down so much by a unit of force weapons in combat. The really need more attacks to accomplish anything. The hammer is overcosted relative to purifiers, and you can only get 1 psy cannon. As much as these should make up the back bone of your army they suck at it.
Autocannon dread are solid. They are far from a bad choice that's for sure. They may have just been over hyped a lot, but these guys are not just monsters that knock out a tank a turn each. Honestly if I can even manage penetrating hits on 3 tanks a turn I'll be over joyed. They will still be making it into my lists, but just don't expect the best fire support ever like I did., you will be dissapointed.
Heavy bolter razorbacks are a nice unit to have. They add supressing fire as well as a way to help finish off squads or weaken large squads to soething a bit more manageable. For purifiers a rhino is better, for strike squads it's about the same.
Las Plas razors that can't be shaken or stunned are not good. Purifiers should be in rhinos because they need to be in centerfield and shooting from inside. If you're fielding las plas razors than they better be on strike squads. If they are om strike squads they better in the backfield making use of their range, but if they are they aren't supporting your rhinos, so the synergy just isn't there. If you take henchmen and give them a las plas razor, you shouldn't be because you need the fire points of a chimera to make henchmen even remotely fieldable.
And lastly, interceptors. The oe unit I am going to talk about that I haven't tested. Honeslty I overlooked them until my buddy Rich kicked my ass earlier today and told me to consider them when I asked him what he would change in my list.
They add mobility, shunting in capture and controll is game changing, when your aggressive forces can't make it to your opponent's objective. They can jump around and limit return fire while dealing with those pesky units you don't want to waaste a real unit on, like scout bikers, or single land speeders. They also ass the very nice incinerator to wherever your heart desires. With the shunt move you can basically get a S6 heavy flamer to anywhere you want on the board. That will really help deal with pathfinders, lootas, and gaunts that are sittign on objectives in the back.
The unit adds a 3rd dimension of options a standard grey knight army does not have. They are the grey knights version of scout bikers, wolf scouts or deff koptas. And while they can't alpha strike they pa a simillar role in supporting the army with speed by being a pain in the ass for the opponent.
With all this in mind I think this will be the next army i will be testing.
Crowe 150
5 Purifiers- 2 psy cannons master crafted demon hammer 2 halberds 134
rhino 40
5 Purifiers- 2 psy cannons master crafted demon hammer 2 halberds 134
rhino 40
5 Purifiers- 2 psy cannons demon hammer 2 halberds 129
5 Purifiers- 2 psy cannons demon hammer 2 halberds 129
5 Purifiers- 2 psy cannons demon hammer 2 halberds 129
5 Purifiers- 2 psy cannons demon hammer 2 halberds 129
5 Interceptors- incinerator 150
5 Intercepters- incinerator 150
Dreadnaught- 2 Twin linked auto cannons psy bolts 135
Dreadnaught- 2 Twin linked auto cannons psy bolts 135
Dreadnaught- 2 Twin linked auto cannons psy bolts 135
What is life? The deep thoughts of yermom...
Life is 40k!
Chess is 40k without dice!
Fantasy is 40k with movement trays!
Warmachine is 40k with less dudes and more rules!
Gothic is 40k in space!
Mordheim is 40k with less people and square bases!
Checkers is like a 40k demo!
Jobs usually have something to do with building (tangible and intagibly), and you have to build models and lists in 40k!
War is 40k without dice and uneven points!
Life is 40k where god rolls the dice!
Chess is 40k without dice!
Fantasy is 40k with movement trays!
Warmachine is 40k with less dudes and more rules!
Gothic is 40k in space!
Mordheim is 40k with less people and square bases!
Checkers is like a 40k demo!
Jobs usually have something to do with building (tangible and intagibly), and you have to build models and lists in 40k!
War is 40k without dice and uneven points!
Life is 40k where god rolls the dice!
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Colonial bat reps! Finally! (round one complete)
Sorry for the delays guys! I know real life isn't supposed to get in the way of wargaming, but cut me some slack!
But, first I must say it was really nice to be able to attend a GT from my house, with only a 30 minute commute. I even let my two friends from Massachusettes stay a my house for it.
So, the army I brought was my demons. I figured they wwould be fun for a last time kind of thing now that grey knights are out.
My list was as follows.
Herald of Tzeentch- Charriot bolt master 100
Herald of Tzeentch- Charriot bolt master 100
6 Fiends 180
6 Fiends 180
6 Fiends 180
7 bloodletters- icon 137
7 bloodletters- icon 137
7 bloodletter 112
7 bloodletter 112
7 bloodletter 112
5 screamers 80
5 screamers 80
20 seekers 340
1850 exactly.
Round 1 I got to play my friend Ted Nagel. He's been attending GT's for years longer than I have, and is a solid player, but he plays for the hobby. He brought is fantstic looking deathwing army.
His list from memory
Belial- TH SS
2 regular dreads- AC DCCW
2 deathwing squads on foot- 4 storm bolter powerfists 1 cyclone stormbolter powerfist
2 deathwing squads- 3 LC's 1 TH SS 1 heavy flamer powerfist (in the land raiders)
1 Regular Land Raider
1 Land Raider Crusader
It was objectives as the primary (don't remember the secondary or tertiary). There were 5 objectives scattered throughout the table. Deployment was pitched battle.
I won the roll fro first and gave it to him graciously. He deployed with the 2 land raiders on one flank, and the termies in the center with the dreads on the other flank
His turn 1
He schootched around a little.
My Turn 1
I want 2 squads of fiends, 3 squad of bloodletters (1 with icon) and 2 squads of screamers, and I get it! The fiends come on the far flank, pretty much next to his dreads. The bloodletters come in accross from his termies and run to support the flanks. The screamers come down on the right flank with the 2 land riaders, and are supported by boodletters.
Ted's Turn 2
Ted scoots his land raiders back 6" and unloads at my screamers killing 4 from the unit that can still charge him. He moves his dreads back away from the fiends and shoots assualt cannons killing some bloodletters. He moves his termies to the side with teh dreads to support them.
My Turn 2
I get ll my reserves except 1 charriot. the seekers come off my icon on the flank with the dreads and stuff. The letters come in teh center to help close the distance between us. And the fiends come on the right flanks on the other side of his land raiders. Charriot was in the center. My fiends multi charged, Each unit hit 1 dread and 1 termie squad. 1 fiend squad had the support of a squad of bloodletters also. The fiend squad without support killed a termies or 2 and lsot combat. The fiend squad with bloodletter support killed the termie squad but stayed in combat. My loan screamer charged his crusader, hit it, penned it, and stunned it.
A note of importance, because my bloodletters were more than 6" away from the dread when I charged they could not reach base on the consolidation, so they were disengaged.
Ted's Turn 3
Moved his land raiders back 6 and killed all but one screamer. He realized this game is lost, and he just needs to keep his raiders alive. In combat I lose combat with the fiends again abd hit and run away with the 2 remaining fiends. My fiends with the dreadnaught knocked off an arm and immobilised it and hit and run away,
My Turn 3
My fiends on the right moved up and charged a land riader and glanced it a lot. I shook it and immobilized it! My bloodletters moved up to make getting out a frightful idea. And both of my fiend units (8 fiends) recharged the 3 termies and fully functional dread and wiped them. My seekers charged the immobilized dread and glanced it to death.
His Turn 4
He moves his land riader 12" away. Then his immobilized raider gets beat up by my fiends on his turn and loses a weapon or something.
My Turn 4
I charged the 8 fiends into the raider that moved 12" and moved up with bloodletters to support. They managed to weapon destroy him him once and stun him. The fiends on the other land raider wrecked it with glancing hits!
Ted's Turn 5
His termies get out from the wrecked raider charged my fiends and I killed 3 before they struck The land raider he had that was stunned got beat p on his turn and lost 2 guns and was immobilized.
My Turn 5
I make sure to do everything I need to to get all the bonuses and stuff. I finish off his termies and wreck his land raider with glancing hits.
His Turn 6
He charges and kills my 2 man fiend squad.
My Turn 6
I slam 14 bloodletters and 12 fiends into his termies and belial and they go poof.
Great game. It was my second favorite of the weekend. And he took it like a man and laughed he whole way through!
But, first I must say it was really nice to be able to attend a GT from my house, with only a 30 minute commute. I even let my two friends from Massachusettes stay a my house for it.
So, the army I brought was my demons. I figured they wwould be fun for a last time kind of thing now that grey knights are out.
My list was as follows.
Herald of Tzeentch- Charriot bolt master 100
Herald of Tzeentch- Charriot bolt master 100
6 Fiends 180
6 Fiends 180
6 Fiends 180
7 bloodletters- icon 137
7 bloodletters- icon 137
7 bloodletter 112
7 bloodletter 112
7 bloodletter 112
5 screamers 80
5 screamers 80
20 seekers 340
1850 exactly.
Round 1 I got to play my friend Ted Nagel. He's been attending GT's for years longer than I have, and is a solid player, but he plays for the hobby. He brought is fantstic looking deathwing army.
His list from memory
Belial- TH SS
2 regular dreads- AC DCCW
2 deathwing squads on foot- 4 storm bolter powerfists 1 cyclone stormbolter powerfist
2 deathwing squads- 3 LC's 1 TH SS 1 heavy flamer powerfist (in the land raiders)
1 Regular Land Raider
1 Land Raider Crusader
It was objectives as the primary (don't remember the secondary or tertiary). There were 5 objectives scattered throughout the table. Deployment was pitched battle.
I won the roll fro first and gave it to him graciously. He deployed with the 2 land raiders on one flank, and the termies in the center with the dreads on the other flank
His turn 1
He schootched around a little.
My Turn 1
I want 2 squads of fiends, 3 squad of bloodletters (1 with icon) and 2 squads of screamers, and I get it! The fiends come on the far flank, pretty much next to his dreads. The bloodletters come in accross from his termies and run to support the flanks. The screamers come down on the right flank with the 2 land riaders, and are supported by boodletters.
Ted's Turn 2
Ted scoots his land raiders back 6" and unloads at my screamers killing 4 from the unit that can still charge him. He moves his dreads back away from the fiends and shoots assualt cannons killing some bloodletters. He moves his termies to the side with teh dreads to support them.
My Turn 2
I get ll my reserves except 1 charriot. the seekers come off my icon on the flank with the dreads and stuff. The letters come in teh center to help close the distance between us. And the fiends come on the right flanks on the other side of his land raiders. Charriot was in the center. My fiends multi charged, Each unit hit 1 dread and 1 termie squad. 1 fiend squad had the support of a squad of bloodletters also. The fiend squad without support killed a termies or 2 and lsot combat. The fiend squad with bloodletter support killed the termie squad but stayed in combat. My loan screamer charged his crusader, hit it, penned it, and stunned it.
A note of importance, because my bloodletters were more than 6" away from the dread when I charged they could not reach base on the consolidation, so they were disengaged.
Ted's Turn 3
Moved his land raiders back 6 and killed all but one screamer. He realized this game is lost, and he just needs to keep his raiders alive. In combat I lose combat with the fiends again abd hit and run away with the 2 remaining fiends. My fiends with the dreadnaught knocked off an arm and immobilised it and hit and run away,
My Turn 3
My fiends on the right moved up and charged a land riader and glanced it a lot. I shook it and immobilized it! My bloodletters moved up to make getting out a frightful idea. And both of my fiend units (8 fiends) recharged the 3 termies and fully functional dread and wiped them. My seekers charged the immobilized dread and glanced it to death.
His Turn 4
He moves his land riader 12" away. Then his immobilized raider gets beat up by my fiends on his turn and loses a weapon or something.
My Turn 4
I charged the 8 fiends into the raider that moved 12" and moved up with bloodletters to support. They managed to weapon destroy him him once and stun him. The fiends on the other land raider wrecked it with glancing hits!
Ted's Turn 5
His termies get out from the wrecked raider charged my fiends and I killed 3 before they struck The land raider he had that was stunned got beat p on his turn and lost 2 guns and was immobilized.
My Turn 5
I make sure to do everything I need to to get all the bonuses and stuff. I finish off his termies and wreck his land raider with glancing hits.
His Turn 6
He charges and kills my 2 man fiend squad.
My Turn 6
I slam 14 bloodletters and 12 fiends into his termies and belial and they go poof.
Great game. It was my second favorite of the weekend. And he took it like a man and laughed he whole way through!
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Back from the Colonial
Well I'm back, and took demons for their last run for a long time. I pulled 5th best overall, and tied for 2nd best general, and I walked away with a razorback/rhino and strike squad for my new grey knight army. I went 4-1, and all my games were blow outs one way or another. Nothing really close at all, but that's the nature my demons. I tabled 4 people and got tabled by Dameon Green, who won 1st overall.
Brief battle reports to follow. I would write real ones, but none of my games really had much tactical insight past third turn, not to do injustice to any of my opponents, but that's how my demons play. So I'll summarily explain what went down.
Brief battle reports to follow. I would write real ones, but none of my games really had much tactical insight past third turn, not to do injustice to any of my opponents, but that's how my demons play. So I'll summarily explain what went down.
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Quick revisit to grey knights
Despite the upcoming GT I will be attending I have a hard time staying focused. Since Adepticon hit, I keep hearing news of all these great players rising out of nowhere, and I have to say, I feel invigorated to beat face. That got me thinking about the nova invitational. The ultimate tournament in competitiveness for the few lucky enough to be invited. Now I'm fairly certain I'll be bringing grey knights, but we'll see. Word on the street is the invitational will be 1750, so this is what I'll be testing in the near future.
Coteaz 100
5 Purifiers- 2 Psy Cannons Demon Hammer145
Rhino 40
5 Purifiers- 2 Psy Cannons Demon Hammer145
Rhino 40
3 Henchmen- 3 melta guns 42
Chimera 55
3 Henchmen- 3 melta guns 42
Chimera 55
5 Grey knights- Psy Cannon Demon Hammer 120
Razorback- Psybolts 50
5 Grey knights- Psy Cannon Demon Hammer 120
Razorback- Psybolts 50
5 Grey knights- Psy Cannon Demon Hammer 120
Razorback- Psybolts 50
5 Grey knights- Psy Cannon Demon Hammer 120
Razorback- Psybolts 50
Dreadnaught- 2 Twin Linked Auto Cannons Psybolts 135
Dreadnaught- 2 Twin Linked Auto Cannons Psybolts 135
Dreadnaught- 2 Twin Linked Auto Cannons Psybolts 135
11 pieces of armor. Decent long rang fire power. Great supression fire power. 6 melta guns. Solid combat ability. Mobility. Options. Reliability in not getting seized on. This army seems to have everything I could possibly need to kick ass and take names. But, we'll see.
What do you think?
Coteaz 100
5 Purifiers- 2 Psy Cannons Demon Hammer145
Rhino 40
5 Purifiers- 2 Psy Cannons Demon Hammer145
Rhino 40
3 Henchmen- 3 melta guns 42
Chimera 55
3 Henchmen- 3 melta guns 42
Chimera 55
5 Grey knights- Psy Cannon Demon Hammer 120
Razorback- Psybolts 50
5 Grey knights- Psy Cannon Demon Hammer 120
Razorback- Psybolts 50
5 Grey knights- Psy Cannon Demon Hammer 120
Razorback- Psybolts 50
5 Grey knights- Psy Cannon Demon Hammer 120
Razorback- Psybolts 50
Dreadnaught- 2 Twin Linked Auto Cannons Psybolts 135
Dreadnaught- 2 Twin Linked Auto Cannons Psybolts 135
Dreadnaught- 2 Twin Linked Auto Cannons Psybolts 135
11 pieces of armor. Decent long rang fire power. Great supression fire power. 6 melta guns. Solid combat ability. Mobility. Options. Reliability in not getting seized on. This army seems to have everything I could possibly need to kick ass and take names. But, we'll see.
What do you think?
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Tyranids make top tables at adeptcon!?
Jay Woodcock, a player who I've heard many things about, but have yet to play. An old time tyranid player with a beautiful army. If someone was to be successful with the new tyranid codex I am not suprised at all was him. He placed 11th I believe (could be wrong) in the adepticon championship.
His list was as follows
Tevigon- adrenals, toxin sacs, catalyst, crushing claws 220
Tervigon- adrenals, toxin sacs, catalyst 195
3 Hive Guard 150
3 Hive Guard 150
3 Zoanthropes 180
20 Genestealers 280
20 Genestealers 280
15 Genestealers 210
26 Gargoyles- adrenal glands 182
Interesting army on paper. But, is it really that hard to believe? I think not.
This army was taken by a Polish competitor in last year's ETC. He did extremely well with it I believe. His list was,
Tervigon- catalyst 175
3 Hive Guard 150
3 Hive Guard 150
3 Hive Guard 150
10 gaunts 50
20 Genestealers- Toxin sacs 340
20 Genestealers 280
20 Genestealers 280
Tervigon- catalyst 175
These lists are actually fairly simillar. Is this the way that tyranids are headed? Maybe. Bue let's look in depth at Jay's list and see what it could do. Fast threat from the stealers, with support from the gargoyles. 2 Tervigons can pump out a solid number of gaunts also. Hive Guard can pop transports for the stealers and zoans to provide insurance from land raiders. Not to mention the gargolyles giving cover saves to everyone. It seems simple but effective.
I think I'm going to start giving this more in depth thought once I have a minute and really start working on tyranids again.
His list was as follows
Tevigon- adrenals, toxin sacs, catalyst, crushing claws 220
Tervigon- adrenals, toxin sacs, catalyst 195
3 Hive Guard 150
3 Hive Guard 150
3 Zoanthropes 180
20 Genestealers 280
20 Genestealers 280
15 Genestealers 210
26 Gargoyles- adrenal glands 182
Interesting army on paper. But, is it really that hard to believe? I think not.
This army was taken by a Polish competitor in last year's ETC. He did extremely well with it I believe. His list was,
Tervigon- catalyst 175
3 Hive Guard 150
3 Hive Guard 150
3 Hive Guard 150
10 gaunts 50
20 Genestealers- Toxin sacs 340
20 Genestealers 280
20 Genestealers 280
Tervigon- catalyst 175
These lists are actually fairly simillar. Is this the way that tyranids are headed? Maybe. Bue let's look in depth at Jay's list and see what it could do. Fast threat from the stealers, with support from the gargoyles. 2 Tervigons can pump out a solid number of gaunts also. Hive Guard can pop transports for the stealers and zoans to provide insurance from land raiders. Not to mention the gargolyles giving cover saves to everyone. It seems simple but effective.
I think I'm going to start giving this more in depth thought once I have a minute and really start working on tyranids again.
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Grey knights... or should I say monkeys vs space marines 1850
Well just for fun I played this army yesterday,
4 units of 7 jokaero and 2 crusaders
1 units of 8 jokaero and 2 crusaders
1 units of 8 jokaero and 4 crusaders )coteaz went here)
1850 exacly.
My buddy uses this space marine army,
Libby- Null zone avenger
2 untis of 5 TH SS termies
2 Land Raider Redeemers
2 10 man tac squads- melta missle both in rhinos
2 units of 2 attack bikes
2 vindicaters
1850 exacttly.
The mission was pitched battle capture and control. We each had to place 1 onjective in our deployment zones, I placed mine in the very corner of the board, he placed his in the middle in some LOS blocking area terrain.
He won the roll for first and deployed everything. He combat squaded the marines, and atuck the 2 halves with missles in the area terrain with his objective, Then he put everything else in a line (rhinos and bikes behind the land raiders out of LOS) ready to ru right at me and kill me.
I deployed with my units kind of spaced out. Coteaz and his squad were sitting on my objective, every squad was litterally on the back table edge of the board, except for 1 squad that was moved all the way up to the 12" mark accross his objective (furthest from his land raiders and vindicaters).
I failed to seize the initiative twice, even with coteaz.
His Turn 1
He drove 12 inches up with everything, and smoked. The bikes and rhinos stayed out of LOS. His tactical squads with missles had no LOS so they moved up.
My Turn 1
No movement. The unit that was at the 12" ark fired at the redeemer closest to it and shook it. Next unit shot it and failed to do anything. Another unit shot it and wrecked it. phew... 1 unit shot a vindicater and shook it. Another units shot the other vindicater and wrecked it. The final unit shot his lsat land raider and wrecked it! (I'll admit that last oone was lucky)
His Turn 2
He walks 10 termies up and runs them, he aldo moves 1 units of bikes behind them. The other unit of biks boosts in front of coteaz's squaf. The shaken vinidcater moves up. The rhinos also move 12 and smoke. He fires into the squad that's at teh 12" mark and kills a monkey or 2 and a crusader.
My Turn 2
The squad at the 12" mark actually moves, and gets really close to his termies. They flamer them with mass heavy flamers, after 26 hits or so about 19 wounded and 3 terminaters died. Then 2 squads of shooting later and he terminaters were no more. Another squad shot the bikes that were behind them who now have no cover and killed them. Coteaz detached himself from his squad and charged the attack bikes. He killed both of them with them with his demon hammer. 1 squad shot at the vinidcater, wrecking it, and the final squad shot the other termie group and killed 3 I think.
His Turn 3
He moves his remaining termies up and charges coteaz and kills him. 1 Rhino moves up to threated my squad on the objective. the other moves up and the squad gets out and rapid fires at 1 squad of monkeys. I lose 2 I think and pass my leadership test.
My Turn 3
I move up the unit on my objective and flamer his terminaters. I put 15 wounds on the unit so 5 saves for the libby and 10 for the 2 termies. 1 termie and the libby bite it. Another squad shot las cannons at the termies and wiped them. 1 Squad moved up to flamer the squad that got out of the rhino. 26 wounds later the combat squad was no more. And 7 heavy flamer hits on the rhino later it's immobilized and weaponless. The squad at the 12" mark moved up and ran and kept trying to make it to his objective. my 2 remaining squads shot his combat squads in cover and killed 3 in each squad. Both squads failed their leaerships and ran 6" away.
His Turn 4
His squads auto rallied and hid behind the rock. The squad in the rhino got out and rapid fired my monkey unit and did nothing since I had 4 crusaders in there. Their rhino parked itself on the objective.
My Turn 4
I blow up that rhino with 1 squad and flamer the marines with the other. My other units move up and try to gett to hsi objective.
His Turn 5
He hides!
My Turn 5
I move and run but it's not enough I'm not even contesting!
We roll to see if it ends and it goes on!
His Turn 6
He rapid fires at my closest squad and kills a few, but I pass my leadership.
Turn 6
I move up and contest and then flamer his squads away.
The game ends there. I didn't lose a squad and he was tabled. Maybe it's actually a good army, or maybe it was just monkey magic.
4 units of 7 jokaero and 2 crusaders
1 units of 8 jokaero and 2 crusaders
1 units of 8 jokaero and 4 crusaders )coteaz went here)
1850 exacly.
My buddy uses this space marine army,
Libby- Null zone avenger
2 untis of 5 TH SS termies
2 Land Raider Redeemers
2 10 man tac squads- melta missle both in rhinos
2 units of 2 attack bikes
2 vindicaters
1850 exacttly.
The mission was pitched battle capture and control. We each had to place 1 onjective in our deployment zones, I placed mine in the very corner of the board, he placed his in the middle in some LOS blocking area terrain.
He won the roll for first and deployed everything. He combat squaded the marines, and atuck the 2 halves with missles in the area terrain with his objective, Then he put everything else in a line (rhinos and bikes behind the land raiders out of LOS) ready to ru right at me and kill me.
I deployed with my units kind of spaced out. Coteaz and his squad were sitting on my objective, every squad was litterally on the back table edge of the board, except for 1 squad that was moved all the way up to the 12" mark accross his objective (furthest from his land raiders and vindicaters).
I failed to seize the initiative twice, even with coteaz.
His Turn 1
He drove 12 inches up with everything, and smoked. The bikes and rhinos stayed out of LOS. His tactical squads with missles had no LOS so they moved up.
My Turn 1
No movement. The unit that was at the 12" ark fired at the redeemer closest to it and shook it. Next unit shot it and failed to do anything. Another unit shot it and wrecked it. phew... 1 unit shot a vindicater and shook it. Another units shot the other vindicater and wrecked it. The final unit shot his lsat land raider and wrecked it! (I'll admit that last oone was lucky)
His Turn 2
He walks 10 termies up and runs them, he aldo moves 1 units of bikes behind them. The other unit of biks boosts in front of coteaz's squaf. The shaken vinidcater moves up. The rhinos also move 12 and smoke. He fires into the squad that's at teh 12" mark and kills a monkey or 2 and a crusader.
My Turn 2
The squad at the 12" mark actually moves, and gets really close to his termies. They flamer them with mass heavy flamers, after 26 hits or so about 19 wounded and 3 terminaters died. Then 2 squads of shooting later and he terminaters were no more. Another squad shot the bikes that were behind them who now have no cover and killed them. Coteaz detached himself from his squad and charged the attack bikes. He killed both of them with them with his demon hammer. 1 squad shot at the vinidcater, wrecking it, and the final squad shot the other termie group and killed 3 I think.
His Turn 3
He moves his remaining termies up and charges coteaz and kills him. 1 Rhino moves up to threated my squad on the objective. the other moves up and the squad gets out and rapid fires at 1 squad of monkeys. I lose 2 I think and pass my leadership test.
My Turn 3
I move up the unit on my objective and flamer his terminaters. I put 15 wounds on the unit so 5 saves for the libby and 10 for the 2 termies. 1 termie and the libby bite it. Another squad shot las cannons at the termies and wiped them. 1 Squad moved up to flamer the squad that got out of the rhino. 26 wounds later the combat squad was no more. And 7 heavy flamer hits on the rhino later it's immobilized and weaponless. The squad at the 12" mark moved up and ran and kept trying to make it to his objective. my 2 remaining squads shot his combat squads in cover and killed 3 in each squad. Both squads failed their leaerships and ran 6" away.
His Turn 4
His squads auto rallied and hid behind the rock. The squad in the rhino got out and rapid fired my monkey unit and did nothing since I had 4 crusaders in there. Their rhino parked itself on the objective.
My Turn 4
I blow up that rhino with 1 squad and flamer the marines with the other. My other units move up and try to gett to hsi objective.
His Turn 5
He hides!
My Turn 5
I move and run but it's not enough I'm not even contesting!
We roll to see if it ends and it goes on!
His Turn 6
He rapid fires at my closest squad and kills a few, but I pass my leadership.
Turn 6
I move up and contest and then flamer his squads away.
The game ends there. I didn't lose a squad and he was tabled. Maybe it's actually a good army, or maybe it was just monkey magic.
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Helping out a friend
This is my friend's blog. http://atleastimhonestaboutit.wordpress.com/ it's about how he needs to raise money for grad school. Let me tell you from knowing him personally, other than his education, his life sucks. Not to be mean at all but, his education means a lot to him, and I really want to see him be successful with it. So if not for him, then at least, check it out, and hopefully keep up with it. He's an entertainging guy with a lot of thigs to say. I'm sure you wont be dissapointed.
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