Sunday, September 4, 2011

Nova Invitational round 2

After beating Marc Parker I found myself against Andrew Blackwell. He won The Grim GT in NY this past June to earn his ticket, with none other than demons at that. This kid is also 13 I believe (maybe 14?) Regardless, that's remarkable that someone his age could do so well with a "bad" army. PS. Demons aren't bad, they just auto lose to GK and DE. I must say I felt a little shown up as demons were my main army for so long. I needed to kick his face into the ground, as ironic as that seems. All in good fun of course.

My list,

Coteaz 100

5 Purifiers- 2 psy cannons, demon hammer 145
Rhino- dozer blades 45
5 Purifiers- 2 psy cannons, demon hammer 145
Rhino 40
5 Purifiers- 2 psy cannons, demon hammer 145
Rhino 40

5 Strikes- psy cannon, demon hammer 120
razorback- psy bolts, dozer blades 55
5 Strikes- psy cannon, demon hammer 120
razorback- psy bolts 50
5 Strikes- psy cannon, demon hammer 120
razorback- psy bolts 50
5 Strikes- psy cannon, demon hammer 120
razorback- psy bolts 50

Dreadnaught- 2 Twin linked auto cannnon, psy bolts 135
Dreadnaught- 2 Twin linked auto cannnon, psy bolts 135
Dreadnaught- 2 Twin linked auto cannnon, psy bolts 135


And his,

Herald of khorne on juggernaught- herald stuff

4 Crushers- icon
4 Crushers

5 Plaugebearers
5 Plaugebearers
5 Plaugebearers
5 Plaugebearers

Demon Prince- wings iron hide nurgle noxious touch
Demon Prince- wings iron hide nurgle noxious touch
Demon Prince- wings iron hide nurgle noxious touch

Nothing even close to resembling what I would have brought as a demon player. I think his biggest list building issues are only 1 icon, and non unique bloodcrushers. I could show you what I was thinking of bringing had I played demons if you want, but for now I'll just go on with the report.

The mission was kill point dawn of war. My worst mission, luckily I was playing demons.

So I won the roll for first and took it. I deplyed 2 strike squads up the field at the half way point. Then I casted warp quake and pushed up a little. The rest of my army rolled on in my center. I had no fear of losing my strike squads as his only shooting was fateweaver.

On his turn the only places he could go were teh 4 corners and even then he was about 8" from a warp quake zone, and 6" from the board edge. Faeweaver came down first and scattered into warp quake zone and died. My ease game just got a lot easier. The rest of his stuff came on in my left hand corner, about 10" from my models. 1 plauge bearer squad came in abother corner randomly.

I kept the pressure up accross the table with warp quakes making spreading out not really viable and only giving him the one corner he already chose to show up in the only place he could go. I threw a dread into the crushers to tie them up and I shot both the demon princes off the board.

He came on with his last prince and crusher squad in the corner with all the action. His other plauges showed up in the other corners.

I shot his last prince off the table then I moved some purifiers and a strike squad over to get ready to charge next turn. I even managed to tie up the crusher squad that just came in with another dread. I also started shooting and charging plauebearers for objectives, even nurgles minions were dying in droves.

The next turn he was stuck in combat and such, and after that I made all the crushers and dread 1 big combat by charging in a purifier squad. I emplyed a neat little trick too. His 4 man crusher squad was in base with a dread, as was his 5 man. Because of pile in moves every model was in base with the dread. So I positioned myself in the movement phase to only have to charge 1 model from each squad, that way the remaining models would still be locked with dreads, and I would only really be feeling the attacks of 2 crushers, not 9.

After 2 rounds or so his crushers were almost all gone. I believe I wiped the 4 man with herald and most of his other 4 man, but my purifiers were no more. Then I charged a stride squad in to finish them off.

It was a fun game and Andrew did what he could. He could have screened and positioned his units better, but it was a fairly hopeless situation regardless. I hope to play him again when I'm not using grey knights so we can get a more fair game in.

I won with a tabling I believe, 4 out of 5 OBJ's and he killed a purifier squad and half a dread or something.

1 comment:

  1. I know the feeling you got. You're playing against a codex that you know very well, all the strengths, weaknesses and strategies.

    Ooh, yeah, that's not such good Daemons list. With Nurgle Princes, I don't know why some Daemon players think T6 will help them live longer. You're dead before you make your second invulnerable save. Why kit multiple Princes with Noxious Touch? How many things are realistically living through Str 5 power weapons? Well, vehicles. But that's why Unholy Might is the better choice, every time. Maybe the dude just plays against alot of Tyranids and C'Tan.

    As a Daemons player, I'm 2-0 against the new Grey Knights (3-0 going back to the Daemonhunters). Now, let's not discuss the circumstances that invalidate the numbers, but rather just bask in my fake awesomeness.
