Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Flying Circus with screamers!

How do you guys like this new version. I lose the thirster which hurts against flier armies, since his strength 8 vector strike was awesome, but the new screamers are pretty nice hear.

Fateweaver 333

3 Flamers 69
3 Flamers 69
3 Flamers 69

5 Demonettes- icon 95
5 Demonettes- icon 95
5 Demonettes 70
5 Demonettes 70
5 Demonettes 70

5 Screamers 150
5 Screamers 150

Heavy Support
Demon Prince- Iron Hide, Wings, Unholy Might, Breath Of Chaos, Slanesh, Soporific Musk, Aura of Acquiesence 255

Demon Prince- Iron Hide, Wings, Unholy Might, Breath Of Chaos, Slanesh, Soporific Musk, Aura of Acquiesence 255

Demon Prince- Iron Hide, Wings, Unholy Might, Breath Of Chaos, Slanesh, Soporific Musk 250

What do you guys think of this one?


  1. Flying Circus demon lists have EXTREMELY low damage output, and can't deal with armies that can pin them (i.e. Tervigon farms, fearless or atsknf guard blob armies, etc.). Strong caution from me about going too hard with these suckers as a result.

    I'd rather see Fatey + Thirster (for the s8 vectors as you mentioned, and also b/c with a collar they can largely tank and/or gank things like paladin stars in a way your other units cannot), backed by larger numbers of flamers (squads of 3 still suck compared to larger squads), screamers, much larger 'nette squads, etc.

  2. I kind of agree with Mike...but in a bigger picture way I'd say that some armies can deal with the flying MC spam, others can't...rock, paper, scissors.

    I am of the opinion that if you are going to go with the flying MC, go all in...get the 5th one in your HQ spot.

    I'm torn on the little flamer squads. I'm using the same, with the intent of dropping them more "safely" and letting them juke around the edges...suiciding them in to a tasty blob of terminators is still an option, of course. They're considerably harder to get rid of now, but they'll still die when looked at hard.

    I don't like Daemonettes at all, especially in tiny units.

    I'm surprised to not see more Pavane to help squish things together for those flamers...

  3. About the S8 Vector Strikes, I don't think that works out, unless I've missed something...

    Vector Strike specifically says the models unmodified Str, meaning the BT would be hitting at S7. Not bad, but not nearly as helpful as S8.

  4. Re Str 8, they may be talking about Unholy Might rather than Furious Charge. I take UM and BotBG on every Bloodthirster, it's just the way to go unless you are starved for points.

  5. For me, all tzeentch is the way to go.

    More shooting attacks and better invulnerable. Agree though that a thirster must have BBG - Grey Knights are still out there
